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April Book Challenge Week Three

Hiya everyone! Sorry for the spam of this challenge on the blog, but I'm currently finishing up my review for Wink Poppy Midnight and a Barnes & Noble/Amazon bookish haul going up mid week! Stay tuned!

Day eighteen: Favorite ship

Out of all the books I've read, I think my favorite ship is Dash and Lily from Dash & Lily's Book of Dares. Like c'mon, that is my literal book OTP. They're both relatable and even though I can't see them, I know they look cute together. Also, I'm dying to read The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily when it comes out this fall! Add it to your TBR here!

Day nineteen: Recommend a book

Love Letters to the Dead is KILLING me. I'm a little bit more than half way done and I just found out what happened to May. I literally put the book down and started watching YouTube when I read that part because it made me so sad I actually felt the need to cry. If you're looking for a feel-ful book, definitely recommend.

Day twenty: Character that I dislike

I don't really know a character that I dislike. I mean, characters can be annoying sometimes, but no name instantly popped into my mind as soon as I read this day, so I'll have to say I don't have one!

Day twenty one: Book & coffee

This picture was taken awhile ago, but book & coffee. Someday I want to reread Every Day and hope to love it even more.

Day twenty two: Random books

These are some books that I haven't read (and probably won't.) Except The Bluest Eye, since I read that as an English assignment and didn't care for it much. (Not that the book was badd, it just dealt with heavy topics that kind of put me in a depression)

Day twenty three: Favorite series

My favorite series from childhood to present has been Seekers by Erin Hunter. It was a great imagination evoker for me as a kid and still makes me feel so adventurous.

Day twenty four: Favorite female character

My favorite female character would have to go to Lara Jean from To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han. Mainly because she's so quirky and organized. I really aspire to have her organization and baking skills. #lifegoals

So that's all for this week of the April Book Challenge! Next week is the end of it and I'm super proud of myself for actually doing it! Remember to watch out for my review of Wink Poppy Midnight later this week or follow me on Instagram to stay up to date! Thanks for reading! xx

Keep Reading!

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